The Magic of Rest and Going More Slowly

When we reclaim the sacredness of rest, we remember to trust and cherish the fallow seasons: those cyclical periods when new growth is gathering itself below what appears to be a barren surface. We are reconnecting our selves with the healing rhythms of the natural world. Click to Continue…
The more-bigger-further-faster-yesterday mindset of our business-as-usual world has been leading us relentlessly toward exhausting our selves, the earth in which we grow our food and, as well, what once seemed the endless bounty of our planet's natural resources.

To consciously choose to incorporate and celebrate rest as a creative part of our lives is a way of calling our selves home to living in harmony with our deep selves and the natural world. It is part of the journey to healing our selves and our planet.

When we commit to going only as fast as the slowest part of us feels safe to go, we are choosing to grow and move through our lives in a gentler, more humane way. Going more slowly makes space for our feelings to surface. It allows our inner knowing to direct our doings. And, it opens the door for magic to enter our lives, for us to be able to notice where and how it does.

 Choose the card below that speaks to you in this moment.