An Introduction from Robyn
At twenty-three (in 1963) I found myself teetering at the edge of an emotional precipice. The merciless scourging of a vitriolic, hate-filled inner-critic relentlessly ripped gaping holes in the fabric of anything I did or thought. Continue Reading >
We are currently in the process of rebuilding our 2000-2012 archives. Visit back as we continue to add stories.
We are currently in the process of rebuilding our 2000-2012 archives. Visit back as we continue to add stories.
April Blooms
Out the windows of my tent as I woke each morning, lying in my snug bed doing my daily Reiki, I watched as new leaf buds first appeared on the apple, persimmon and nameless trees, then fattened and soon unfurled leaves that seemed to grow right before my eyes.
Overcoming Overeating Author Carol E. Munter
What do self-acceptance and self-love look like, taste like, feel like, sound like? How does compassion develop?
Feeling agelessly juicy and vibrant, I turn 65 while spending part of my 10-day birthday retreat copy-editing
The second big rains of the season, the first I’ve been home for, arrived last week. The California winter greening begins! Crisp air, voluptuous clouds, autumn’s special burnished light.
Baby stepping my way into my new "healthy bone regimen" while resting deeply
All the wonderful green beings that I brought with me from my old house are growing and flourishing so abundantly here. Not just the indoor and outdoor plants that were already in pots, but also the ones I dug out of the ground and put into pots.
News of a compression fracture in one of my vertebrae and bone density numbers indicating seriously worsening osteoporosis
The past few days have been the quietest, stillest days I’ve had in many weeks. The oppressive heat seems past. That’s made it possible and deliciously inviting to spend these still days mostly outdoors.
An eight-day road trip to Santa Fe with my friend (for continuing education seminars)
We’re in the midst of the fiery heat of another Ojai mid summer: endless days in the high 90’s and low hundreds. This year, our evenings haven’t always been cooling to their usual 60’s.
At long last, time for deep resting/recovering from all the intensities/changes of the past year
Without the familiar grove around me, I’m discovering new and different signs of the season’s unfolding. In my little meadow the California poppies, morning glories and morning glory-like pink flowers are still blooming abundantly.
Settling more deeply into my new space/life, I'm moved to spend 2 1/2 delightful weeks gathering much of my web site writings
More and more deeply I settle into this delicious new space and into what seems like my equally delicious “new” life.
Endlessly amazed at the enormous miracle of my new, magical home, my settling in process brings repeating lessons about slowing down
After weeks and weeks of such intense (albeit slow-paced) activity preparing to move, moving and settling in, I am slowly reclaiming my “normal life.”
My ex-husband completes his gentle journey into death, my long, arduous search for a new home ends with an extraordinarily wonderful new space
The season of my seemingly endless house-hunting travail has ended! I’m living–and finally relaxing–in my new, miraculously, wonderfully perfect house!
Tsunami, torrential rain, mudslides, upheaval in the world, in Ojai and in me
Such a strange time it’s been these past seven weeks since last I wrote. Out in the larger world, here in and around Ojai and, as well, in and around me: The barely conceivable, monumental devastation and dislocation of the tsunami.
Winter in Ojai–a paradoxical intimate braiding of dying away and being reborn
The glorious fall weather continues, filling me with so much joy as I delight in wandering the trails again! In the groves, oranges begin their annual Thanksgiving time turning from green to the early yellow that will, by Christmas, be moving toward a deepening orange.
Fall arrives in all its glory as I slowly go about replenishing my emotionally exhausted self
Fall is truly here. The miracle of clouds returning. The early rains that came like a monsoon and began the yearly greening along trail edges. Everything washed clear and sharp. The crusty dust of dry summer earth gone.
A visiting old friend provides just the support I desperately need to survive being lost
As I sit here writing, the incredibly sensual perfume of Night-blooming Jasmine (in its second blooming this season) wends its way in through the window, wrapping me in its healing musky tendrils.