Keeping Safe Through Difficult Times

When we're in the middle of intense and challenging times, it becomes even more urgent than usual for us to have compassion for our selves: for us to be tender and loving toward our frazzled, stressed or feeling-stuck selves. It is especially important to remember that we each have our own rhythm and style with which we process crises and impasses. It isn't okay to use anyone else's way as a standard against which to measure our progress. Click to Continue…

It's important to remember that what look like detours, avoidance, and running away may simply be ways we are taking exactly the time that we need in order to get to the next place. When change is accelerating and everything is moving very quickly, it helps to try living in the very thinnest slice of now that we can define. It helps, as well, to remember that pulling the covers over our head and feeling sorry for our selves can be very relieving and helpful respite. It's one sure way of taking a rest before we go back into the fray.

 Choose the card below that speaks to you in this moment.